Artificial Lavender Pot Bouquet 6 Colors


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Artificial Lavender Pot Bouquet 6 Colors

Provencal Bouquet Artificial Lavender for Pot 6 Colors

Beautiful artificial lavender bouquet perfect for decorating any space. With a total length of 37 cm including the stem, the flowery part measures 8 cm. Available in six different colors, this bouquet is ideal for adding a touch of Provence to your office, buffet, or table.

Enhance Your Space

Elevate the ambiance of any room with this exquisite artificial lavender bouquet. Its vibrant colors and lifelike appearance will bring a sense of freshness and beauty to your surroundings.

Quality Design

This artificial lavender bouquet is meticulously crafted to mimic the look of real lavender flowers. Each detail, from the delicate petals to the slender stem, is designed to capture the essence of nature.

Technical Specifications

  • Available in six colors
  • Total length: 37 cm
  • Flower length: 8 cm
  • Perfect for decorating desks, buffets, or tables
  • Enhances any space with its natural beauty

Transform your space with the stunning Provencal Bouquet Artificial Lavender. This lifelike bouquet offers a touch of nature’s beauty without the need for maintenance. Add a pop of color to your home, office, or event with this versatile decoration. Whether placed in a pot or used as a centerpiece, this artificial lavender bouquet is sure to impress. Bring the charm of Provence into your daily life with this exquisite floral arrangement.

Additional information


Fuchsia, Pink, Green, Lavande, Purple, YELLOW